Sustainably Jennifer

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Plastic Free July

It’s almost July…say what?! That means that Plastic Free July is right around the corner.

Plastic Free July is a month-long global campaign led by the Plastic Free Foundation (in Australia) to reduce the use of single-use plastics. Single-use plastics are used only once before they are thrown away (and last a LOOOONG time) or recycled. These items are things like plastic bags, straws, coffee stirrers, soda and water bottles and most food packaging. I have joined the challenge and you can too by visiting the Plastic Free website and signing up.

I shared in a blog post earlier this month why using plastic is detrimental to the environment and our health so if you need some motivation head over there and pick a reason that makes your stomach turn or angry and use that for incentive this month. My goals by entering this challenge are to re-commit to refusing single-use plastic (yo it’s a daily commitment) and reduce plastic in other areas of my home and life.

Join me - maybe you choose just one thing, refusing plastic water bottles or plastic shopping bags for the month or you go all out and refuse ALL single-use plastic.